We value and respect the human rights of every individual, everywhere. We're committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking, expecting the same of our associates, suppliers and partner organisations, acting in accordance with the expectations laid out in the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
We expect any and all members of the Forward Institute to report any concerns relating to slavery or human trafficking to our Director of People, Finance & Operations or any other director. Any concerns raised will be duly investigated with action taken as necessary. These expectations are also echoed in our Supplier Code of Conduct.
We commit to taking all reasonable efforts to ensure slavery and human trafficking isn't taking place with any companies we work with.
The Forward Institute team should be made aware of possible signs of exploitation that may be indicative of slavery, forced labour or human trafficking offences, including:
When securing contracts with substantial suppliers, the team should operate in an ethical, auditable, transparent way, paying attention to potential areas of exploitation in the supply chain. The Forward Institute reserves the right to terminate any supplier agreement if there's any slavery or human trafficking involved.
We take all allegations of slavery and human trafficking seriously and any allegations of slavery and human trafficking can be raised in accordance with our Whistle Blowing Policy.
We believe the principal areas that are likely to carry material risks in our area of operations are:
ICT/office supplies and building/venue services such as cleaning, catering and security. For the latter, we commit to periodic check-ins with our service providers as we renew contracts. However, to ensure we're successful in preventing slavery or human trafficking in any of our supply chains, we'll continually review relationships with all suppliers and will assess any concerns of slavery or human trafficking on a case-by-case basis. Material concerns should be raised for attention on our Risk Register.